AKRON Productions

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Picture of the Month: January 2021

The picture of the first Month in 2021 is this: A Composite of two portraits I took of myself and my father. It shows both of us as one single person, one young the other old. That is why I have chosen to call the series of pictures “Generations“. The series is by far not finished yet; this one is only the first image to be published for now. It all started with not being able to shoot outside as easily as before anymore, due to the lockdown and an injury. Now being stuck at home, I began shooting self-portraits with all kinds of themes and techniques: Black and White, Winter, Skiing, etc. The idea for this image and the series evolved from the original self-portrait that I took a few weeks earlier. It was inspired by a portrait from Peter Lik, the most famous and successful fine art photographer of our time.

For my self-portrait, I had a single softbox 90° to the left of me with a focus diffuser installed. I replicated the exact same setup for the other portraits in order to get the same results and to make the final images as seamless as possible, after I mirrored one of the two images. From the beginning, it was clear to me, that the final images will be in black and white. For one, it just looks cleaner and classier, and without color, it is also easier to combine the two faces.

Somewhen the series will be released in “What I’ve Done“.

German version: Bild des Monats: Januar 2021

These were the “runner-ups“ for this month: